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Feline Diabetes

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Diabetic cat photo

Feline Diabetes, The Real Problem!

Feline Diabetes the Real CauseToday, most people who have cats with diabetes are only treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. Furthermore, many medications given to cats with diabetes are simply compounding problems instead of getting to the root cause.

The best way to manage your cat's diabetic condition is to address the actual cause. Doesn't that make more sense? Let's look at what feline diabetes really is.

The Simple Explanation.

Other than the genes your cat inherited, there are two primary causes of diabetes:

1) a long-term diet that has been high in carbohydrates and
2) nutritional deficiencies.

Your cat's body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) which then enters their blood stream. The more carbohydrates consumed, the higher their blood sugar goes. In response, their body produces insulin. Insulin's job is to push the blood sugar into the cells.

On the surface of the cells in their body are insulin receptors, which act like little doors that open and close to regulate the inflow of blood sugar.

After many years of consuming a high-carbohydrate diet, their cells have been bombarded with so much insulin that these doors begin to malfunction and shut down.

With less doors open, their body needs to produce even more insulin to push the glucose into the cells. More insulin causes even more doors to close and as this vicious cycle continues, a condition called "insulin resistance" sets in.

When their body can no longer produce enough insulin to push the blood sugar into the cells, diabetes results. It is simply an extreme case of insulin resistance.

The key point for you to understand is that your cat's energy, wellness and longevity are primarily dependent on improving the sensitivity of their cells to insulin - how well their cells open and close the doors and allow the sugar to be cleared from the blood.

What's the Bottom line?

Since feline diabetes is really a severe case of insulin resistance, the solution to their condition is to find a way to increase the sensitivity of their cells to insulin and help their body get the sugar out of the blood and into the cells so it can be metabolized and turned into energy. (This inability to metabolize sugar is one of the reasons why most diabetic cats are often sluggish and appear tired.)

The Deadly Effects of Excess Insulin!

Your cat's "metabolism" is the food processing and energy production system of their body. It is made up of extremely fine-tuned internal processes.

Insulin is the master hormone of their metabolism. When it is out of balance and their insulin levels are consistently elevated, a long list of deadly complications are created:

The Deadly Effects of Excess Insulin in Diabetic Cats* Heart Disease
* Hardening of the Arteries
* Damage to Artery Walls
* Increased Cholesterol Levels
* Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
* Kidney Disease
* Fat Burning Mechanism Turned Off
* Accumulation & Storage of Fat
* Weight Gain

In his best-selling book Protein Power, Dr. Michael Eades wrote,

"When insulin levels become too high... metabolic havoc ensues with elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes, and obesity all trailing in its wake. These disorders are merely symptoms of a single more basic disturbance in metabolism, excess insulin and insulin resistance."

Nutritional Deficiencies from excess insulin.

Science has shown that excess insulin also causes your cat's body to become deficient in many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.  It's a proven fact that being deficient in these nutrients is directly linked to and a cause of high blood sugar levels.


Chromium is essential to proper metabolism and maintaining safe sugar levels.  Excess insulin depletes your cat's chromium. In Protein Power, Dr. Eades further states,  

"The insulin receptor, the structure on the surfaces of your cells that actually become resistant to insulin, requires chromium to function properly. Deficiency of chromium is rampant - it affects 90% of the American population - because a diet high in starch and sugar puts a heavy demand on the insulin system to handle the incoming carbohydrate load, and that demand depletes chromium."

Chromium is critical to blood sugar metabolism and as the owner of a diabetic cat, you can be pretty sure he or she is severely deficient in this nutrient.

Many other nutrients are also depleted by excess insulin, which are critical to biochemical processes in their bodies.

Now that you know how and why cats develop diabetes and know some of the consequences of not controlling their blood sugar level, here are your choices:

  • You can continue on with what you've been doing, or
  • You can use a safe and effective way to help control your cat's blood sugar with absolutely

Fortunately, your cat's body has miraculous healing powers, is very resilient and operates in a very intelligent manner. If you give your cat the right fuel and the right nutrients, he or she will respond very quickly. Some exercise also helps!

The first step to doing this is:

  1. Restrict the carbohydrates in their diet and
  2. Get your cat the right nutritional supplement (see below).
These two actions are not optional or negotiable! Doing 1 and 2 above on a regular basis is the only way to address the root cause of your cat's diabetic problem and balance their body's metabolism for the long-term. Now that you know what the causes of feline diabetes are, find out how to correct the problem by clicking here.

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